Speaker: Cody Prentice
Last Update: 02/20/2021
Fly Fishing Southern Utah
WHEN: Mon Mar 1, 2021 @7:30 PM

Cody Prentice
Lost River Angler
After telling us a little about himself and Lost River Angler Services, Cory will discuss:
Fishing opportunities in Southern Utah
Fish and entomology of the area
Other area attractions
Then he'll open up the room for questions
As is the process in all SDFF virtual meetings:
Everyone will be placed on Mute when the meeting starts.
Questions will be asked / answered discussed in this order:
Pasted in the zoom chat window to the moderator, Tim Huckaby, during the meeting in the order they are received. The moderator will read your question out loud to the entire group for the speaker to answer. Or the moderator will ask you to come off mute to ask your question directly.
By using the “raise your hand” functionality in zoom. The moderator will ask you to come off mute and ask your question.
About Cody ...
Cody Prentice has had a love of the outdoors as long as he can remember. He was only five when he started developing his passion of fishing. Mostly self taught, with the advice of a few mentors, Cody has been fly fishing for over fifteen years and has worked hard on mastering every aspect of his craft down but not limited to tying his own flies. He has lived in Southern Utah for twenty years and has spent nearly all of that time exploring the majestic wilderness and learning all he can about the area.
In addition to fishing Utah, Cody has spent time fishing most of the western states including; Idaho, Colorado, California, and Wyoming.
Along with fishing Cody is knowledgeable in other outdoor adventures. He jumps at the chance to call in coyotes during the late fall and winter months, and enjoys working a call for springtime gobblers. Cody is also proficient in upland birds and tracking big game.
With Cody’s vast experience and knowledge for the outdoors, along with his infectious personality, he will be a much appreciated addition to your outdoor adventure.
Would you like to be a 3rd Wednesday Speaker ???
Our programs chairperson Tim Huckaby says:
We have so much talent and expertise in the club that we have decided to augment our “normal” club meeting and presentation (every 1st Monday of the month) with a mostly club member presentation on the 3rd Wednesday of each month this year. Those of you that have joined the virtual club meetings you know we have had a lot of success. We sure have learned a lot and been entertained by some pillars of the fly fishing industry. Honestly, it has been easier for me to recruit speakers to do virtual presentations because I don’t take them out of their day jobs for stretches of travel to San Diego. We’ll continue our “normal” first Monday of the month meetings with “big name” speakers, virtually, until we can finally meet in person as a club again….which is not looking like any time soon. We have quite the lineup scheduled already for 2021. It’s not the same as meeting in person. I get that. I miss meeting in person too. But, the virtual thing is gonna’ have to do for while until the world gets ahead of the pandemic.
So…I’m on the hunt for you experts in the club that would be willing to do a virtual presentation and/or virtual Q&A for us on a 3rd Wednesday this year. Please contact me by email, programs@sandiegoflyfishers.com or my cell, 619-990-9200 to discuss. Don’t be surprised if I find you with a little help from other club members and proactively reach out to you for the ask.